Hello Anyone
I suppose the long winded scooter purest title would be something like -
"Oh The Shame of a Bodgey Imported Past… & Why I am “atoning”
for my impure scootering sins with the Love Cub" but to me it is the "Oh the Shame that I actually didn't do it..." Double entendre intended!
Well, as many people comment on the rather sexy looks of the
Silver Surfer & the Mighty Lamb; I often get asked how long did it take to
The answer is “No Idea – bought it that way…” we then talk
about the frustrations of owning an old bike. I have never lied, but I feel
somewhat cheapened if an aficionado asks me & then I tell them it is a
Vietnamese rest, all of a sudden they change & start lecturing me about the
ramifications (like it has happened to them personally)… for those that don’t
know, the Vietnamese rebuild industry has a somewhat dodgy reputation (I think
this could be a post I could write about in the future…but not today as I am in a happy place!)
The other sheepish response is to the true traddies out
there that have that innate ability to rebuild anything from scratch, who then
start telling me how I should’ve done it, or it was so easy that I am a fool
for letting someone else do it for me…Yep, can't argue, I was just lazy is how I get out of that one!
Well, to be honest, I did feel a bit “lesser” because I
bought rather than rebuilt. That being said, the Silver Surfer has provided
heaps of fun. I have Veapa-ed around OJ & done heaps of rides that have
helped preserve my sanity. I even rode it to Lodge one evening (in summer)
& had a great time of it.
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The Silver surfer meets a load of Bull! I will say that an
old Vespa is a dam fine bike to ride around a farm & the horn doesn’t upset
the cows too much!
As for the Mighty Lamb, well, hey, it is just one of the
sexiest rides around. This was demonstrated a few months ago when the key for
the bikes grip-lock (anti-theft device) broke when I had parked the Lamb in the
centre of town. So I had to disconnect the brakes & push it home along the
footpath. About the entire population of OJ must’ve been out that day & the
overwhelming comment was how cute/how good-looking the Lamb is. Too True, it’s
just that the Lamb & the Silver Surfer do misbehave from time to time; that
being said, the Lamb should be a centrefold… (Mind you, this post is sounding
just a bit too “Auto”-Erotic right now so I’ll change subject back to the Love
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The Child Bride arrives on the Mighty Lamb. Both the wife
& the bike are dam good lookin' - but I may be biased!
AND yes, that IS an Astroboy jumper she is wearing
Anyway, to sum up my situation, I ended up having 2
outrageously good looking scoots, but not lifting a spanner to get them to that
condition is why “needed” to restore the Cub. There, I have said it & I feel
SO much better!
Now, there are some out there that will be saying, “well how
mechanical are you?”, my answer is I have some mechanical nouse, but I am far
from being a mechanic; I have some tools but I am not the most knowledgeable in
their use. On the up side, I am rather keen to do it & get this damned
monkey “of not doing it for myself” off my back once & for all! ... By the
way, doing it for myself also includes getting experienced guys to do the work
for me if I can’t do it!
So it looks like I will be rather busy for the next few days (That is the Australian version of "few" - being far less precise that the Standard English "Few" meaning 3...) Anyway, I'll get back to updating this when I get the chance in a few days...(week-ish...maybe!)