
Monday, 6 August 2012

The Key ring thing…

Have a look at the keys; if I was to ride around with those like that, I would be temping fate badly!
So when I bought the bikes I noticed that a key ring has the potential to chip the paintwork I around the ignition, or, fall off leaving you with no way of opening other locks (such as the glove box & the side box on the Silver Surfer). This situation concerned me, as I like things to work, or at least just not be hard

For those of you that are interested, I have got a cheap but effective way of managing this risk; & I am not talking about putting clear plastic coatings over the paintwork.

My advice is go to your favourite German shopping chain & by a trolley token on a key ring (I think it is about $1.50 – I stole my one from the Child Bride as it was cheaper that way!)
Chuck the trolley token in the bin (or give it to your kids as “money”) & attach your bikes ignition key to a single key ring; attach all other ancillary keys to the key ring with whatever key tags you require.

Clip the ignition key to the clippy thing & away ya go!

Add any other keys you may need to the ring that goes into your pocket; the empty clip (when the key is in the ignition) can be used to attach keys to a button hole in a pocket so they don’t get lost & the don’t damage the nice paintwork of The Silver Surfer or the Mighty Lamb. 

The ignition key is detachable from the other keys!

This set up also has the advantage of allowing you to secure keys to buttonholes in pockets etc, thus lowering the risk of losing them when riding about

It is just an idea that I find useful; but hey, you may get some value out of it!

So Mote it be


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