
Monday, 3 September 2012

Rego Run

For those of you that do not live in the Socialist Paradise that is New South Wales may be surprised to find out that every year, after your motor vehicle is 5 years old, they must pass a road worthiness inspection. The Italian two strokes (being manufactured in the 1960’s are no different to any other vehicle of similar age; thus the Silver Surfer & Mighty Lamb were destined to spend their Wednesday off the road, being inspected by a licensed mechanic to see if they were safe to be back on the road!

To an owner of a vehicle of this age, this time of year can be quite stressful, as you are always (even if only a little bit) concerned that there is something you don’t know about going wrong when your car is over the pits

So off to Shane the Mechanic’s on Tuesday arvo it was!

This was not a problem, & both the Surfer & the Lamb started fine. Both easily passed their safety check

The Two stylish middle aged Italians posing outside the workshop

The Silver Surfer is as he was before, the Mighty Lamb, well, he looks just a bit sexier with the chrome & no blinkers

The only thing of note was that when we were driving to pick the 2 Italian marvels up, we saw on Woodward Street, an echidna wobbling along the road! 

Woodward street is not a rural road either, it is well within the urban side of OJ too (although there is a creek that runs near this particular area)

The cool bit was that the cars in the other direction were slowing down & making sure that it was going to make it safely across the road – who says that all Oz drivers are road rage reapers of death upon our native fauna! Good one OJ, I take back all that nasty stuff I said about you being poor drivers!

So Mote it be


Post Script - On Friday the kick starter on the Mighty Lamb stopped connecting & needed to be role started... Bugger... on the "up" side, at least he passed it's rego check & could be registered!

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