
Sunday, 24 February 2013

On Maters of Size...

So one of the features that the Silver Surfer has, is the spiffy glove box behind the leg shield... A lot of Vietnamese Vespas have these, & a lot have super cool Mod-Squad style Union Jacks & stuff on the doors....

Not the Surfer; Silver door only!

Despite this, I do find the glove box bloody useful.

A diary, mail, house keys, spare shopping bag, water bottle & a spare L plate for the Child Bride... all this with room to spare. How good are the old Vespas! The eagle eyed readers will note the bodgey wiring...

When I go to collect the mail from the post box, I find that the glove box is the best way to cart the letters home. It is also big enuf to fit a water bottle (in the case that I should get thirsty, OR, if the Surfer should get mad at me & decide to break down when I am hooning about the place, which would see me push him home!

Even though the box isn't truely waterproof, it does keep things fairly well out of harms way & I seem to be able to fit a poo-load of stuff in there...

So Mote it Be


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