
Sunday, 15 September 2013


Well, it was Father’s day again…

And to be honest, I don’t really celebrate father’s day for myself (but, I do always buy my Dear Ol’Dad a bottle of some rather nice port…)

So, as a distraction, & as a way to have some fun with this annual event, I had been saying to the Silly Boys that we’d be having a serious, MANLY (deep voice) breakfast; ... One that was "More manly than a milkshake made from meat" (as that Ad says…)

Thus on the Sunday (father’s day) w had a rather nice, leisurely sleep in, followed by this:

Oh Yeah Baby!

Wursts of all kinds! (Including the infamous Black Pudding – which the Silly Boys refer to as a “Poo Sausage” do to their resemblance to that substance…). We did have some Baked Beans as well; protein loading at it's best!

By the way, this BBQ is the only “big” cooking stove we Meaghertians have at the moment – you can’t say that we aren’t getting good value out of it when you stuff it full of food like that!
Yes, that is mushrooms & Tomato’s – a man cannot live by meat alone after all…& they are delicious on the barby. That green goo on the tomatos is basil - YUM!

And a cup of Tea…
You put tea leaves in this blokes trousers & then add water (plus the sugar & milk to your preferance)

As for father’s day presents; as I said, I really don’t care about it, BUT, as the Child Bride had been prepared, she had organised some cheap & cheerful dad’s day presents which the Silly Boys gleefully helped unwrap!…

I wasn't expecting this - but it was nice
Yep, Vespa Belt Buckle AND Vespa Cuff links! Vespa-riffic!
The Belt buckle is a rather cool & colourful alternative to the Honda buckle that I’ve been wearing for a while, so what can I say, I am a lucky man, I can’t wait to wear them to lodge (when work commitments allows me to return)

I will still wear this buckle; but the new Vespa buckle will give it a run for its money!
At the end of the day, I was just happy to have the “School Made” & Silly Boy coloured in Father’s day cards!
As for the REAL Scooters – well Annual Rego Check time again…
Mods at the Mechanics!
They still look like a couple of Stylish Italians enjoying the Spring Sun in OJ… Then just in time for do a runner from my spring-ish home (conveniently leaving these two for their check up until I return from Work!)

So Mote it be!


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