
Friday, 6 July 2012

The Garden

Well the weekend was a write off weather wise. We ended up going to watch a movie to break the monotony, ya gotta love trashy super hero movies (The Avengers) I loved every minute of it & the boys even stayed engrossed for the entire length of the movie, no small feat there, Yay to The Child Bride for that idea!

Monday was a revelation; Sunny & lovely in a Wintery way but VERY brisk!

As usual it was the Dan & Leigh show. So with that in mind, we decided that it was time to catch up on some much overdue pruning that was required around the house. So all rugged up against the cold we set forth to do battle with my “garden”

All I can say is that thank god I’ve had my tetanus shots, the roses left my arms & fingers shredded (despite the heavy leather gloves & thick long sleeves)… maybe I SHOULD have pruned the bush rose last year rather than thinking about it whilst having a beer!

A Garden visitor too concerned with finding grubs!
One of the nice things to happen was that a magpie was so intent on eating that he came to within touching distance of where Dan & I were gardening. Cool that wild life isn’t worried by a couple of people hacking at their semi-feral roses

The highlight was Dan & the lemon tree. As OJ is cold, a Meyer lemon will grow in a sheltered position; unfortunately, Meyer Lemons have 3cm long spikey thorns on them. This is OK normally, as I prune & dispose of them… unfortunately, Dan thought it would be funny to sneak up on a gardening dad & swat him with one of those spikey branches… Kids, if ya didn’t love them, you’d just about kill them at times!

Dan, you wouldn't hit Dad with that spikey stick now would you?
Sure he wouldn't!

Anyway, with the gardening done, I could now justify a bit of (E) cub time - I promis the next post WILL be Cub Related!

So Mote it Be


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