Warning to Vegans: animals WERE hurt & are going to be discussed in this post … even if it was a while ago…
Benny & Danny recon my brother has a striking resemblance to the movie cartoon character Megamind; it’s just that Mike isn’t blue, have an enormous head or have a talking pet fish… they just insist he is Megamind & can’t be persuaded otherwise.
So Megamind became a Vegan a while ago; whilst I remained rather indifferent to this choice, Megamind was forced to divest himself of all animal based products about his house.
Typically the “cruelty railroad” started with Megamind dropping some of his, now unwanted, but rather stylish (still cruelty tainted) gear at Mum & Dads place, where it will fester for a while. Mum was initially rather glad to have the said piece of kit, but, after a while she then decides that it is a piece of "clutter" that she no longer wants & then decides to pass this on to any member of the family that happens to be visiting. Usually my nephew (Brett the Bacon-Boy) & I have been the beneficiaries of this, fortunately for me, my guilty haul so far has included a couple of rather stylish Moroccan leather bags (one for me, one for the Child Bride) & a heap of Bailey’s liqueurs! Ya can keep this stuff comming Megamind!
The latest addition the the Guilt Stash was a couple of combination Possum Fur & Merino wool scarves (bought by Megamind when he was holidaying in the Shaky Isles a couple of years ago). Between the leather bags & scarves & the unexpected nature of these surprises; I feel like I belong on American pickers at times!
My possum fur scarves; Illegal, possibly, but just fantastic otherwise! |
Now, I am not aware of the legality of wearing the fur of a possum in Oz, But, I may just be committing a criminal offense… hmm, I won’t tell anyone about that!
In truth, the Possum is a feral pest in New Zealand, so by making the problem part of the solution, I think it’s a good thing!
Anyway, these scarves are so warm on my belly that I thought that I had spilt a coffee down the front of my vest when I first wore one of them, so I knew they were good!
These have become a rather stylish addition to my scootering wardrobe; they are a rather warmer alternative to the summer bandana & the neck warmer that I would otherwise wear. Both do an excellent job of keeping my neck, chin & chest roasty-toasty warm when I am hooning about in the winter wonderland that is OJ.
The other “nice thing” is, that as I have been sticking to the stripped scarf, it has a rather nice 2-stroke oil smell due to this regular use as a scooter scarf! It is just the thing to get me drifting into a happy place when I am feeling a bit under the pump, for example most days at work…
On the up-side I am really beginning to fit the generic white person stereotype profile - http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/04/30/97-scarves/ . Cool, I could be offended by this article (& web-site) if I wasn’t so busy laughing at how true it is!
The next piece of scooter gear is my Scooter Bag… I own a Tough Man-bag; I bought it because I need it for work (that is travel To & From) as well as scootering around OJ & I just needed a tough man-bag!
As Alex the Lion says "Be Tough & Carry your Stuff"... Man-bag, the height of toughness. Thank you to Andy Strapz for making these! |
I know it is tough as I bought it from a motorcycle shop; in central Sydney, which is a tough place as well
It is also tough because it is made from oil skin material so it is waterproof. Tough!
It is tough because it has backpack style clips on it to shut the three outside pockets (which are tough too), & it even has a clip inside to hold my keys (which is a pretty tough feature in a man-bag).
I know it is tough because it will hold a trilby or fedora hat (without irreparably crushing them) & then it will hold my bike helmet when I have arrived at my destination, allowing me to wear my non-crushed trilby or fedora, which is in itself tough!
It is also tough because it is retro to boot; the company that makes them recons they are modelled on a mid-seventies record company sales bag & as such it can hold 12 LP records…retro to the max, which is tough!
It can eve fit a couple of 6-packs of beer, or a couple of kilos of meat from your local butcher - Tough!
My man-bag is tough & cool & I will not have any more discussions about this situation!
So Mote it be
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