
Sunday, 10 November 2013

On The Footpath

So, I was walking around OJ the other day, when I happened upon this:

Style Icon! It just says Italy
So, I had to take a photo!

I suppose, it sums up marketing in so many ways. Vespas are, no matter how it is cut, linked so closely with Italy.

No surprising; BUT, even to the non-motorcycling community out there; these stylish people movers are "Italy" on two wheels.

I can even think of a holiday that someone went on "Italy, on a Vespa"... Which does sound like fun!

I suppose the big thing is for the Vespa to remain relevant in an ever-changing world, or it will end up as a name plate made anywhere but Italy.

Cool advertising though!

So Mote it Be



So those that know me personally (not in the “biblical” sense that is), know that in real life, sadly, I am a geotechnical engineer… Cue the theme song for the “Revenge of the Nerds” movie right now!
I normally like to keep my “scootering” & “work” separate, as; generally no-one in the scootering world is really that interested in things geotechnical… & vice versa…


Have a look at this nice country lane way, it’s not too far from where I live & I was actually riding home when I noticed a rather poor piece of road way; so, I stopped to take a photo of the mighty Silver Surfer & what I suspect is a geotechnical issue with the road at the same time

A nice rural road...
I reckon (& I have been terribly wrong at times!) that this is a road foundation issue.
I was pelting along (in a racing crouch) at the Silver Surfers top speed … of not very much … when I noticed some undulations in the road immediately ahead. As there was a truck coming in the other direction I slowed down – I figured that coming off in front of someone is not a cool thing to do.
That was when I “saw” the funny shapes of the undulations in the road as I rode past. Note I looked & SAW something, rather than just seeing a shape & ignoring it…

The undulations were actually cracking in the surface of the road! They are following a large circular shape/pattern. They were dislocated both vertically & horizontally - the geotechnical engineer reels his head & says “Settlement cracking AND Tension cracking; indicating movement …”

See the cracking in the road loosely mirrors the drip line of the gum tree?
Low lying area; drain beside the road... And a Vespa!
To my mind seem to start at the drip line of the trees beside the road.

I had to stop & investigate…

I noticed that the area is at the bottom of a very wide valley
I noticed that there is a drain beside the road
I noticed that the area has a spoon drain beside it & it is near a creek (indicating that water will be seeping into the soil in the area)

The size is quite large!
At a guess, I would say that when this road was constructed, many many moons ago, the road builders have bridged over a swampy section of ground with a thick layer of road base (to support the traffics loading on the ground).

But, as with most “rules of Thumb”, the exception causes the problem. At a guestimate, I suspect that the trees roots have pumped water out of the ground in the area & that traffic above has “pushed” water out of the area as well. As the area underneath the road is less able to absorb water from rain due to the membrane of bitumen on top of it the other areas of the ground have had a ready supply of water from the creek & swampy nature of the soil. The drain directly beside the trees has continually kept the area around saturated as well, which possibly assists the replenishment of water around the general area. This leaves the relatively dry section associated with the tree’s roots to settle in this manner.

Standard practice displayed here (Just put 1500mm of fill down & keep the road going!) And generally, you’d be right with that; but what has changed is that the trees beside the road have removed the water from the soil underneath the foundation; causing the soil in the drip line area to dry out.

Either that or the road builders stuffed up on other grounds – the above is only my take on the issue & I have been wrong on these situations before!

In my defence, I do recall the phrase of one of my lecturers at Uni said: Water an interesting material; it has the bearing strength of steel, but has absolutely no strength in tension. This means that water will give way if it is not contained (think of the situation when you stand on a PET drink bottle that is full with water & has a firmly attached lid, versus if it does not have a lid – the former will support your weight, the later will squirt water out over the ground & you will sink by the diameter of the full bottle). If the water was contained under the road, the road would look fine (as is evident elsewhere on this road)… or it could start chopping the road up if the water is too close to the surface; but let’s keep it simple for this example!

This phenomenon is referred to as differential settlement & can be a huge issue – the leaning tower of Pisa is a case of this; if the settlement were even across the base, the tower would have been a renaissance example of poor foundation engineering – perhaps called the Sinking Tower of Pisa, rather than the tourist draw card that it is!

This example of differential settlement was just one that I noticed on this particular day; we see many other examples all around the place (such as cracking in your house…) You will get this when your structure spans across 2 different ground types (as above saturated & being dried by roots, or the contact between a deep soil & a rocky outcrop) – unless you spend a heap of cash on the engineering of the foundations that is!

The other issue is, it is dam hard to come up with a design that works over such a large area; the lane is otherwise in good condition except for this bit

Given that OJ has highly reactive volcanic clay soils, it is to an extent surprising that I haven’t noticed more of these issues… I do generally just notice the general crappy conditions of some of our byways!

As they say, when you are doing your licence – ride to conditions! As I am not on a warp speed Japanese sports bike, this is not a necessarily huge issue for me – the concept is still a good one. I do always think about the cars coming in the other direction though…

When I did the rider training course when I was getting my rider licence, the instructor told us about some defensive riding tips; including the idea: I see; I think that; I will react by…

I see… (eg; a “T” intersection up ahead)

I think that… (eg ; a car may not see me approaching & not give way to me)

I will react by… (eg, By slowing, setting up to brake & “buffering” by moving to the right hand side of the lane)

Pretty good idea for anybody really; but especially we riders and, a road section like this is a classic example of where you can put this practice into play. I think the Keep Upright instructors would be happy to hear that  I WAS still using the technique!

As for those of us that are complaining about the state of the roads here in Oz – Whilst you have a good point; think about the rural by ways that the Silver Surfer was scooting on before he came to the big flat continent; even though we get the poo’s with them, our roads are way better than what so many others have!

So Mote It Be!


By the way, I actually did something rather than just whinge & contacted council about this small issue - I was told to drive to conditions until they has resources to repair that little section of the road!

Serious Science type footnote:
Maybe this was a bit of a diversion from my normal Vespa ridding shenanigans; BUT, Science & Engineering are not solely the domains of the “nerd”; these areas are as interesting as any other topic when presented in the “right” manner.

I encourage all (especially children & teenagers) to embrace science with the passion that we have for Football, Honda Cubs, Vespa’s & Beer). Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein & Steven Hawkins are quite rightly cult figures, but there are many others out there as well, striving for excellence in their own fields & trying to make the world a better place through their research & daily work.

My particular field is Mining Geomechanics (That is: the geotechnical engineering of big holes in the ground). It IS interesting & rewarding area (for me at least).

If you are interested in some geoscience based blogs & maybe some further reading that will provide you with knowledge; the American Geophysical Union has some fantastic stuff here: please check them out, they are informative without being snooty or nerdy (Dave Petley’s Landslide Blog is one that I regularly read & is in my opinion top notch). 

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Bucking the Trend

So we Meaghertians went on a short school holiday break (not much to say – it was to a caravan park in Kiama – Very Old School, but that’s how I roll!)

On the way to Kiama from OJ, we passed thru Crookwell. A smallish town on the southern highlands side of the Great Dividing Range…

Apart from being a nice place to stop over & have breakfast, Crookwell is also the Birthplace of the Inventor of the Rotary hoe (a bloke by the name of Arthur Howard). Unfortunately for Oz, Howard moved England between the wars to increase his manufacturing base… Crookwell is still rather proud of their inventive son & have a rotary hoe mounted on a pedestal in a park in the centre of town to celebrate (my photo didn’t work out… otherwise there would’ve been a piccie right here!)

In the entire time we were in the car travelling; Only 2 things of note happened during the drive:

1.      We discovered that of all the Meaghertians, Dan & His Dad have the lowest tolerance for motion… I’m spewin’ about that!

2.      We noticed the Crookwell Sock Shop

Now, those who read my Alt-Girl post will know that I have a soft spot for those having a “Red Hot Go” at life, especially those having a go at something that is rather “un-cool” as everyone wants to be a model/actor/singer/dancer/global-financier/bodybuilder these days, rather than just have a go at something. It’s nice to have aspirations I suppose!


The Sock Shop!

WELL, true to my form, I’ve found another band of artisans giving their chosen field a good work out… Crookwell’s own; The Lindner Sock Company!

A Fourth generation family of sock makers who make Super Warm Woollen Sox, in their little shop in the main drag of Crookwell

Apart from the fact that they were really passionate about what they are doing, It is really nice to see a company having a go at something, rather than shipping the raw materials to China to be made there & sold back to Oz. It was also refreshing that a company chose to start up in a smaller rural area rather than one of the larger cities, or provincial centres.

They also have Mega cool super retro machinery (Maybe classic rather than “steam-Punk”) but the Silly Boys loved the look of this stuff… I have to admit, I thought it was cool too. The way they seemed to whir & click into place & "poo" out a tube of rather fashionable knitwear

Old-School & Super Cool!
A tube of Socks!

So; what did we Meaghertians do when we were confronted by the opportunity to purchase stuff that we had no intention of buying before we saw the shop? Why we went mad & bought a poo-load of socks of course! 
My Argyle socks... OH yes, they are comfortable!

AND they are spectacularly comfortable! The Silly boys ended up getting some footy sox; I went mad on some purple work socks… some red & black argyle & some nice formal socks…

As Molly Meldrum says: “Do Yourself a favour…” & get some!

The other occurrence that happened on the family break was when we did a tree top walk, it turns out that Benny is as terrified of heights as I am! The tree top walk was the Illawarra Fly & you walk along a scaffolding structure in was set up thru the treetops of some of the remaining temperate rainforest in the Illawarra’s hinterland. Whilst this walk was a great thing to look at, with really cool views, trees & animals, it pushed us both too far. Interestingly enough, despite the mutual shear terror, Benny really liked the walk & wanted to go back at some stage in the future!; I remember watching a TV show once where the presenter said that Humans love to be scared in a safe way… I suppose this was a case in point.

Unfortunately, the Silly boys have lucked out with their heredity in that respect!

Benny & I were NOT going out there - Only the brave Child Bride!
So Mote it Be!


Sunday, 15 September 2013


Well, it was Father’s day again…

And to be honest, I don’t really celebrate father’s day for myself (but, I do always buy my Dear Ol’Dad a bottle of some rather nice port…)

So, as a distraction, & as a way to have some fun with this annual event, I had been saying to the Silly Boys that we’d be having a serious, MANLY (deep voice) breakfast; ... One that was "More manly than a milkshake made from meat" (as that Ad says…)

Thus on the Sunday (father’s day) w had a rather nice, leisurely sleep in, followed by this:

Oh Yeah Baby!

Wursts of all kinds! (Including the infamous Black Pudding – which the Silly Boys refer to as a “Poo Sausage” do to their resemblance to that substance…). We did have some Baked Beans as well; protein loading at it's best!

By the way, this BBQ is the only “big” cooking stove we Meaghertians have at the moment – you can’t say that we aren’t getting good value out of it when you stuff it full of food like that!
Yes, that is mushrooms & Tomato’s – a man cannot live by meat alone after all…& they are delicious on the barby. That green goo on the tomatos is basil - YUM!

And a cup of Tea…
You put tea leaves in this blokes trousers & then add water (plus the sugar & milk to your preferance)

As for father’s day presents; as I said, I really don’t care about it, BUT, as the Child Bride had been prepared, she had organised some cheap & cheerful dad’s day presents which the Silly Boys gleefully helped unwrap!…

I wasn't expecting this - but it was nice
Yep, Vespa Belt Buckle AND Vespa Cuff links! Vespa-riffic!
The Belt buckle is a rather cool & colourful alternative to the Honda buckle that I’ve been wearing for a while, so what can I say, I am a lucky man, I can’t wait to wear them to lodge (when work commitments allows me to return)

I will still wear this buckle; but the new Vespa buckle will give it a run for its money!
At the end of the day, I was just happy to have the “School Made” & Silly Boy coloured in Father’s day cards!
As for the REAL Scooters – well Annual Rego Check time again…
Mods at the Mechanics!
They still look like a couple of Stylish Italians enjoying the Spring Sun in OJ… Then just in time for do a runner from my spring-ish home (conveniently leaving these two for their check up until I return from Work!)

So Mote it be!


Thursday, 15 August 2013

When in Rome...

When In Rome…
Well, how do I say this without sounding like a w@nker? I can’t, so I’ll show a picture…

Some ones holiday junk - Scooter style!
As you might have guessed, I was not at home for a while - I was in fact on a family holiday…

Judging by the souvenirs, you’ll be able to easily tell where the Meaghertians went…

… A true scooter destination – Thailand!
So maybe I should have called this post "When in Hua Hin..." but wher'eis the fun in that!

We stayed in a rather loverly piece of this rather nice Kingdom – Hua Hin. The only factoid of interest (to anyone other than me) from this all too short break was that the Thai King (Rama IX) went to Hua Hin for a holiday whilst we were there… he is not very well (spending a lot of time in hospital), & to be honest, we were more interested that he had come to Hua Hin than he would have been in a family of Australian tourists!

Hua Hin has a fantasic train station (& we all know that I am partial to train stations). I really liked the Thai style architecture, on a turn of the century train station & it is rather close to the Night Market (& as we all know, I am rather partial to a night market…)

So, as for the scooter themes souvenirs; well…T-Shirts are the no brainers; But a Hua Hin Vespa Pencil case – Cool! I had to have that…& for the Child Bride, a nice matt finish Lambretta belt & buckle!

All the souvenirs were bought in Hua Hin! (Not surprising as the night markets were rather touristy!)

Hua Hin Railway station - Retro-Thai-cool! I have no permission to use this pic; but please go to Hua Hin it was great! (Hopefullt Tourism Hua Hin won't sue me now!)
The Orange Train Station - I noted the disurbingly familiar colour scheme... (The Socialist Republic of New South Wales has recently rebranded it's train fleet to this colour sceme... I like it & everytime i ride past I'll think of Hua Hin!)

As for Thailand, well, there were a couple of things worth noting to my fellow Scooterists:

1.      Thai’s love the scooter! Even as a Taxi around Bangkok (& there was no way i was doing that!)

2.      Except for the rain, it is a very nice climate to ride bikes in (not that I did actually ride a scooter in the time that we were there)

3.      The scooters were perfect for the traffic in Thailand; even the “relatively” sleepy Hua Hin…

4.      There were old scoots everywhere; Vespas, Lambrettas, Honda cubs – I was in perv heaven!

5.      They are (as in many countries) an essential piece of Day to day machinery…)
Anyway, a great place to have a break & hopefully we'll get back there sooner rather than later!
You can just make out the Honda Motorcycle dealer (behind the white car) - I was faciing the wrong way & I only had my Phone to take a photo with!

So, we did enjoy Hua Hin & the people that live there. The scooters there are a practical way to get around, as opposed to an old pose-mobile that I use the Surfer & the Lamb as.
A work collegue of mine lives in Hua Hin & amongst other things He & has wife have a Honda Silverwing... yep; it's a cool scoot! Even tho Rick likes to ride his Honda Shadow; it was the Silverwing that he rode most often!

I recon i could get him into the Old gear if it didn't need so much work!

So Mote it Be


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

A Blat with the Missus...

OK, so with the kids & school & a nice winter’s day happening in Ol’ OJ, what better way to spend an afternoon that a quick blat on the bikes...& possibly feed my prodigious belly!

Yes it was cold & it was a relativly short spin in the sun; it's funny, cool in the sun isn't as bad as rain is it! 
The sunny spin was to a little local restaurant on the outskirts of OJ that was busy doing the 100 mile menu thing, un-surprisingly called “Totally Local” this was all fine by me as the most important piece of this activity was that it was enough to get us out of the house & to spend some tinme t

Local Beer & Wines too - off the menu for our lunch as I don't like to drink & ride!
We even saw a punter on a Royal Enfield put past; we did the "fellow biker wave" to each other & all was good with the world!
I haope that the Enfields-man was enjoying the weather, as, in typical OJ style, “brisk” possibly “Bracing”, but enjoyable… probably closer to the Royal Enfields traditional home of England, as opposed to it's real home of "the Sub-Continent"...
We went the other way & I beat the Child Bride to the mail box on the way home (just to show the world that my 150cc’s of awesomeness may not be a Raj built Rocker Rocket, or a Tuff Hog, but it is still just about one of the coolest rides in OJ… Small pond though it is!)
Yep, the Silver Surfer for all his Italian fickleness was still the first!

The Little Haouse still looks like some sort of Biker lifestyle statement at times!

So Mote It Be

Monday, 24 June 2013

Seat Update

So, the Cub’s seat…
It was, after all, the first piece that was started in earnest after stripping the Cub & I had sent it to the Auto Upholsterers to be made better again…
So what has happened since this monumental commitment? … Well I’m glad you asked!
I had called by just before Easter; I was rather guilt ridden over this visit, as, due to the sale of the Auld House, I thought that had stiffed a decent bloke as I reckoned it was safer to keep the seat at the shop, that to damage it in the move.
Thus I rather sheepishly went into his workshop (when my car was having its yearly rego check 1 door down). I was really worried; I had last spoken to him a month a half before I moved from the Auld House.
Davo had been ticking away slowly & steadily on it… & was rather apologetic that he hadn’t completed the work yet
I suppose the truth of the matter is that, as with his sign, Garry is rather Old School when it comes to work, if someone says, “it’s a low priority job” he doesn’t worry too much about the delivery date; rather he shifts priorities to the guys that are crying out for the jobs to be done.
Thus, when I said “Nah, the bike isn’t even painted yet”, he was visibly relieved that he had remembered correctly… the relief was palpable!

Seat meet some Nylons...

Anyway, the seat was on the bench (& underneath some rope, so I know that Davo had been working on it… it looked like it had been in a bizarre bondage session (for motorcycle seats that is)
OK, so I can hear some out there in the Net saying about how important it is to be on time when a commitment is made, but hey, I don’t roll that way! And neither does Davo; have a look at his shops sign…
If you ring this number, put "63" infront of it...& note there is NO mobile number listed either!

…OLD SCHOOL! The Phone number is only 15 years out of date!
In much the same way that the Cub itself is 40 years out of date!
Read timeless; Cary Grant - You know, incredibly cool & timeless!
The Love Cub, Cary Grant & My Auto-Upholsterers; I’ll wager that you’d never think that you’d read them in the one sentence!
So Mote it Be!

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Alt Girl...

So, we (in this case the “we” was the boys at work) were standing around drinking our morning coffee, & mulling over the implications of whatit was that the particular boof heads of whatever popular sport had done over the weekend & Complaining about how sport wasn’t like it was when we were kids… Nostalgia, it ain’t what it used to be!
Usually I do silly things after alcohol, not a sensible coffee...

Thus we decided that we wanted a clean sport that was sporty in all the appropriate sprortyness… thus, after my watching of the Doco “This is Roller Derby” on a flight to a friend’s wedding, we decided that Roller Deby it was!
Thus "we" decided to Google this fantastic sport. After or extensive research, we decided on the following:

1.      Our respective home towns had Roller Derby leagues (Tick)

2.      There were a rather lot of attractive female participants (Tick)

3.      The Sport had a rather Alt-SteamPunk – burlesque cool vibe going on (Tick)

4.      It was fast (Tick)

5.      It was contact (Tick)

6.      A lot of the participants were tattooed (Tick for Mike the Kiwi Geo, although, I am not too sure on this point)

7.      Fishnets seemed to be very popular (Tick)
8.   It was REAL sport!!!! (TIK, TIK TEKETTY TIK!)

We were sold! Instantly
So now what? We promptly forgot about our stupidity & went back to work!
At home, a casual comment from the Child Bride about needing some active wear (meaning running clothes etc) was also immediately forgotten… until, when again we were gossiping over another coffee talking important manly things at work
The penny dropped: I will buy some Roller wear for the Child Bride!
It was a perfect fit; Retro yet modern, comfortable yet wearable to the beach or to snooze in at night… How good is this idea? Well, most of my ideas ARE terrible to be entirely honest… well the truth hurts doesn’t it!
Warning, This is where I am bordering on some un-paid product placement/product endorsement…
Anyway, after a rather inspired session on the internet I Googled something like “Roller Derby Wear” & I ended up at the following:
Thus lead to the weirdest series of e-mails I think I’ve ever sent … fortunately, the rather unusually named “GoGo Fiasco” (or Helen to her friends) was rather patient & helpful with me. From a male point of view, Ordering clothes for your wife is quite confronting (I am sure the guys out there will sympathise with me on this!) That being said, GoGo was rather helpful to e-mail size suggestions that made sense!
Just so you know how worried I was, I actually said that I’d rather not sneak around & take measure the child bride when she was asleep, which, despite the creepiness of that suggestion, GoGo was still able to provide a good size suggestion for my purchase.
So after a bit of “over the web payment options” I had ordered some Alternative Cool Active Wear for the loverly Child Bride… now I conveniently left the Home for work & awaited the results of my silliness, unfortunately, I would be away when the present popped up…
Thus the laugh was set in motion!
So, Wednesday night when I rang home, the silly boys where cackling away at this surprise package for mum; the red star & the lucky clover designs caused much hilarity. Instant hit!
The Child Bride was suffering from much consternation as to the origins of the package – then when I burst out laughing about the situation & explained that I thought it would be good active wear & I purchased it as a surprise for her she was much relieved! YAY, I will live to blog another day!
So would I buy from Hellcat again; Heck Yeah, any time & great service, BUT, it seems that they do tend to cater for attractive women, not for men who (to be blunt) resemble giant pinkish advocados
Anyway, that was a rather long & winding story that had not very much to do with scooting; but, I have decided to attend the next bout of the Orange Roller Derby (work & other commitments aside) as I think it fits with the Vibe of the Scootin’ I like Doin’… hopefully I can take the Silly boys & Alissa the sensible to this event; if not, I’ll Vespa there!
Watch this space!

So Mote it Be


Sorry to disapoint, but there was no way the Child Bride was going to allow me to post a pick of her in the Spiffy roller pants!

Monday, 4 March 2013

CH-CH Changes

Ah that wonderful song by David Bowie summed up my first “Vespa in earnest” since the move to the Little House!
As I had changed address, I thought that I had best do the formality & change my licence information; way cool, a time to Surf out to that wonderful example of neo-urban-farmhouse-inspired-building being the NSW Roads & Traffic Authority Office, located in the Leewood industrial estate on the cool south side of OJ. On the upside, it also gave me a chance to ignore the painting & other work needed on the little house in order to have, some me time, if only for a little while.

Changing addresses took 10 minutes! Parked nicely in the middle of a spot again...

Anyway, the nice thing about the new address is travelling home! As I did not have to take the most practical & quickest way home (which I probably wouldn’t anyway!), I got to traipse all over OJ & down memory lane about the rather dull working class city that I grew up in…
The sign looks current; it isn't; The danger no entry sign is!

I first rode past the site of the Orange Sale Yards. These were operating on this site for years; it got to the stage where, after agreement between the 3 local government areas (being, Orange, Cabonne & Blayney councils) that the sale yards would be moved to Carcoar. I think the new facilities are probably way better… I can’t help thinking of the young Bogan (that I was) thinking that this place was so cool when we went here on school excursions; oh the joys of Primary school in OJ in the late 1970s!

Ahh, Edward street - so many memories!

Next on my impromptu hoon was a right turn for a spin down the wide expanses of Edward street; there used to be an Auto Wreckers that I spent a vast amount of time toiling away at when I was in my early twenties. It went by the way & the shop is now a welder/sheetmetal fabricators shop these days. Unfortunately for the wrecking yards, the arrival of quality at very affordable prices in the mid-nineties seems to have killed off the industry; such is the way things go…
The Electrolx factory; carpark in the forground
This is the manufacturing hub of OJ, Electrolux. They make refrigerators in this factory. In the past couple of years there have been rumours that this plant will shut down as it is cheaper for the Swedish multi-national to manufacture in Thailand (& bring in these fridges to Oz, as we have a free trade agreement with that Kingdom); I hope it doesn’t go the way of the Sale yards; this factory is part of the reason that OJ is a large provincial city, in many ways it has been the spine that built Orange, yes, mining has added a great additional source of employment to the town, but, the less other industries we have, the more worried I become, OJ used to have fruit co-ops, wool scouring & a textile factory, granted that these were in some ways “the ugly & low paid” industries, but heck, how many coffee shops & restaurants & gyms do we have & do they really replace these manufacturing jobs as far as creating opportunities in these areas? I will let everyone else come to their own conclusions over that question.
Those trees drop sap onto anything underneath them; i am not leaving the Surfer to that treatment!

Oh gawd, talk about nostalgia, I grew up here – it is now a Cardiologists practice (although it does look a lot better than it did when I was a teenager & when I did leave the place), the Galah-like colours are still the same though; as are the slate tiles that Dad & I put down on the front porch in the early Nineties. The medical centre that is beside this house was where Mr & Mrs White lived; they lived in an old weatherboard house… it had large “Art Deco” style furniture inside it & the old gas light controls & fittings too. It became a rental house for quite some time before the developers moved in & created the tasteful modern medical site…

I next shot past the Orange Velodrome, which got me thinking as well; Whene we were teenagers, Megamind (My thoroughly evil younger brother) & I used to ride our 10 speed racing bikes on the Orange Velodrome, mostly we’d race each other & dreamt about stuff… It was the 1980’s & we were teenagers & that is what teenagers did in the 1980’s
This reminiscing about racing cyclists prompted a memory…I have seen professional cyclists following a pace setter on a scooter or other small motorbike; thus I decided to see what it was like to take the surfer for a spin around a Velodrome…
I have to admit, it was cool, it reminded me of the old days, but with a lot less sweating! I did make it to top gear & flat out & was quite chuffed at the result – as the speedo isn’t working I have no idea as to the speed that I achieved!
Other than that, from an official point of view, what I did was rather naughty & should not in any way be condoned or done by others… don’t you love it when those in power say this stuff when they get busted by someone digging up a 20 year old picture of them living it up as a teenager!
As for the velodrome, Mr White once told us that there used to be semi-professional racing conducted here in the 50’s, with large crowds & professional bookmakers offering cheap entertainment to the denizens of OJ… apparently, this scene was killed off by the arrival of Television to the central Tablelands.
I wonder if there was a Vespa rider pontificating about the way things have changed when the cycling races stopped, the reason I thought about this was that I had past by Wade Park (opposite where I grew up). This park once had a greyhound race track around the outside of the footy/cricket oval. The races went to the Bathurst track about 6 years ago… apparently better facilities & more TAB money in the Bathurst track. To be honest, I was a bit sad that the old greyhound races don’t happen there anymore. When I split up with Alissa the Sensible’s Mum & was living across the road from the place, we used to have a great time wandering over to the dog track & watching the “dish lickers” run around on a summer’s Saturday night… As Alissa was about 3 years old at the time she just liked to try & talk to the doggies; but hey, we had fun! It’s a bit sad that the Silly boys won’t get “that fun” in the future either…
I couldn't get any further; all the horsies were in their stables I supose!

Of course, my meanderings then took me past Towac Park; OJ’s own centre of Horse racing; which, in my humble opinion, was in due need of a thorough Vespa-ing… at least the car park bit anyway as I could not work out how to get onto the racetrack!
I have been to the races a few times at this track & usually ended up with a rather large headache & a 10 on the Richter scale case of “never-again-itis”… I don’t actually gamble, so I’ll let you make up your own mind on that one! But let’s just say; I did enjoy these events!
After I got home & was picking up the Silly Boys, I suppose my case of nostalgia was one of those rose coloured glasses days, where you think “gee, looking back, that was cool” when at the time you hated it all; you know what they say “Nostalgia, it ain’t what it used to be…!!!”
So Mote it be!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Selling out???

I have accepted Fate
After the move, I now have some time to do some stuff… I have ordered a speedo cable… about time too, the surfer has been showing 357.2km for about 12 months now.
Originally, I was acting the goat & not caring; BUT, it would have been a bit impressive if I could quote a top speed; I was always looking at it the way that the Newtown Rugby League Club looks at its “official attendance”… after every game, it is always the same number (taken from their last first grade home game…) If you’ve ever watched a game at Henson park, you have to laugh at the shenanigans that the fans & club managers get up to; every game that quote the same number of people in attendance as they have since they returned to competition - to a raucous chorus of laughter & cheering.

I was doing the same thing… until this morning at 4:30AM when I cracked & placed the order… am I a sell out?
I hope not, but maybe I can track the speedo & get the economy of the Surfer & such… it will be an interesting exercise
So Mote it Be

I'm Sure it was OK!

I’m Sure it was OK - Or, Gee, it seemed like a good idea at the time!
The sign was there for bicycles, not scooters… anyway, I wasn’t taking up much space…

Guilty as charged your honour
That was until I saw the parking cop walk past… straight away my stomach dropped.
Oh well, I have gotten away with my silly business for far too long… here comes my first traffic infringement in a while… I had even taken an incriminating photo of my unlawful actions, so I could not even plead that it was someone else with a ’68 Vespa in town
So I finished my cappuccino & the associated posing & even the quick call in at the Chemist on the way back (as I didn’t want to see the Brown Bomber in the act hitting me with a ticket)
Nothing… Hmm, I’ll just have to wait & see if this is an electronic infringement system that will see me booked & the notice sent straight to the home address!

The Little House

Hi Anyone - Check out the new digs; looks like a motorcycle ad doesn’t: It’s all about the bikes man!
From 4 bedrooms to four rooms...

Chair, Petrol, Bikes...(I use a green fuelcan for the Vespas 2% 2 stroke fuel)

So Mote it Be!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Instant Idiot...

Instant Idiot, Just add Kids... or the most dangerous place in OJ
As usual, EVERYONE ELSE is the "Bad Driver"...

OK fellow parents, we all know that your child is the single most important thing in the world… to the exclusion of all other living things, but how about taking a chill pill when it comes to the daily school run…
I was being Mr Mum & doing the Silly Boys School run & I saw the following offenses (both to traffic rules of the Socialist Republic of NSW & to common sense…)
Double parking
Triple parking
Parking in the Bus drop of zone (as obviously that school bus heading down the road is NOT going to the school)
Talking on the mobile phone whilst driving in a school zone (but only after they have dropped of their own little Eponie’Rae…)
I would also estimate that these are the same people who sneer that “young people today just show no respect for the rules of society…” & complain about the poor driving of the “others” out there in the world. And everyone wonders why motorcyclists get driven over in broad daylight!
Somehow, I can’t see hi-vis riding gear making the least bit of difference to this whilst everyone thinks it is someone else that is the problem…
Anyway, just something to think about fellow inhabitants of Planet Earth